Wine is one of the oldest and perhaps most common alcoholic drink on earth. Wine has been widely available since as far back as the earliest civilizations thousands of years…
Rather than trying to fight the urge, we need new methods to handle intrusive thoughts. And when we’re sad, lonely, or stressed, we might call a friend or loved one…
However, during that time, your hair has grown, and trace amounts of the substance have likely penetrated your hair. It remains there until the hair is cut, or about 90…
Titration tapering is rarely used in clinical settings and carries significant risk. Some drugs are not water-soluble, so their concentration cannot be diluted in water. This may lead an individual…
Dr. Tabone suggests you imagine a bucket (or body) being filled up with toxins. This bucket naturally has a hole in the bottom (lymphatics, liver, bowels, skin) draining toxins as…
Rarely, severe pain after drinking alcohol is a sign of a more serious disorder, such as Hodgkin's lymphoma. Having a mild intolerance to alcohol or something else in alcoholic beverages…
If you are planning to open a sober living home, one of your major concerns should be how you can finance the business’s operations. As previously mentioned, returning to a…
Before taking antacids during pregnancy, check with your provider for the safest option. If you drink heavily and you think you may have alcohol during pregnancy problems stopping, talk to…
Outpatient offers medical services and monitoring on a scheduled basis. The rest of the time, individuals are free to maintain their day-to-day lives. Catching the early signs of rhinophyma can…
Long-term amphetamine abusers are likely to be severely malnourished and suffering serious mental effects from the drug use. When they stop using amphetamine, they experience the symptoms of the damage…